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Auto-field with S-Control?

We're implementing a data exchange integration with an outside vendor. We need a 4-digit agent ID number for each lead to auto-populate based on who owns that particular lead. I've assigned each user with a 4-digit number, but no matter what I try, I cannot get the Agent ID field to populate automatically on the lead page.

Can someone please provide me with some assistance?

Thanks in advance!

You should use a Formula in the lead - type "text":

After saving your lead you will see the Agent ID in your lead.


Thanks for the quick response to my plea for help.

However, I've tried different variations of $User.<insert field here> and that doesn't work because it populates the field with the user's Agent ID. I need it to be the lead owner's Agent ID number, which isn't always the same.

Any other suggestions?

Sorry - I did not carefully read your question ;-)

One possible solution is a Custom Formula - Type Text:

CASE( OwnerId,"00530000000jfoC", "7423","00530000000ejQS","7418","")

You just replace the owner IDs by yours and the same for the Agent IDs.

You're a life saver!

It WORKED brilliantly! Thank you so much!