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Using Eclipse to move objects between instances

I haven't figured out yet how you can build a custom object in one instance and then move it to another one thru Eclipse instead of packaging it or having to rebuild it in the new instance.  Any thoughts/ideas?  Thanks.
I assume you have the Eclipse plug-in already?  Create a new project.  When it is open, right-click the project name in the Package Explorer, select -> Deploy to Server.  The wizard will prompt for your credentials for the destination org and walk you through the deployment.

Good luck.
dotnet developedotnet develope

Hi All,

We are getting an error when we followed the above procedure while deploying a trigger from sandbox to production using eclipse.

we are getting "Null Pointer :Exception." in the 3 rd step of deployment wizard window...

Any thoughts on this why this error is coming....and how to get rid of this error during deployment

Thanks in advance!!!
Please try the latest version of the IDE plugin, we fixed several deployment bugs that surfaced NPEs.