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TehNrd IDE deployment bug, sorting and selection
I have encountered a bug when trying to deploy where it says I have not selected any components when in fact components are selected. This occurs on step 3 when using the deselect all and sorting abilities.
I usually wouldn't be so quick to call this a bug but I have been able to replicate this issue on two different machines.
Eclipse: IDE:
Latest version of Java.
1. Deselect All
2. Sort by Type
1. Sort by Type
2. Deselect All
3. Select a component and then hit Validate it will say, please select at least one component. Hitting Next will cause it to fail.
With that latest release of the toolkit and its ability to deploy nearly every custom object we have a list of about 200 components to sort through when deploying so not have these deselect all and sort abilities makes it a little more difficult.
Message Edited by TehNrd on 02-19-2008 02:45 PM
I usually wouldn't be so quick to call this a bug but I have been able to replicate this issue on two different machines.
Eclipse: IDE:
Latest version of Java.
1. Deselect All
2. Sort by Type
1. Sort by Type
2. Deselect All
3. Select a component and then hit Validate it will say, please select at least one component. Hitting Next will cause it to fail.
With that latest release of the toolkit and its ability to deploy nearly every custom object we have a list of about 200 components to sort through when deploying so not have these deselect all and sort abilities makes it a little more difficult.
Message Edited by TehNrd on 02-19-2008 02:45 PM
1. Deselect All
2. Sort by Type
1. Sort by Type
2. Deselect All
Any update Mario?
Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.3.2
Build id: M20080221-1800
My force IDE is
I deployed a package, it went fine. Had to go update it, made my changes saved, right clicked on the project folder, went to sforce, clicked deploy to server. Gave it info to log into my production enviroment, and then unchecked all packages except the two files I wanted to send (the trigger and the class). FYI, those files are unpackaged, don't know if that makes a different or not. Maybe I should try packaging them.
Sorry for the inconvenience.