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Use WSDL in APEX class


How can we aceess or use " WSDL" in Apex class.
when i am trying to use this its give the following error
"Failed to parse wsdl: Found more than one wsdl:binding. WSDL with multiple binding not supported"

Please help

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try removing the soap12 binding and the soap12 port. They look something like this:


<wsdl:binding name="ServiceSoap12" type="tns:ServiceSoap">
    <soap12:binding transport="" />





    <wsdl: port name="ServiceSoap12" binding="tns:ServiceSoap12">
    </wsdl: port>

Message Edited by cog on 03-03-2009 04:51 PM

All Answers


Try removing the soap12 binding and the soap12 port. They look something like this:


<wsdl:binding name="ServiceSoap12" type="tns:ServiceSoap">
    <soap12:binding transport="" />





    <wsdl: port name="ServiceSoap12" binding="tns:ServiceSoap12">
    </wsdl: port>

Message Edited by cog on 03-03-2009 04:51 PM
This was selected as the best answer

Thank you for the post!  Worked perrfectly


Thanks, this worked great.