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Eclipse IDE has a mind of it's own...

I am trying to take a customer object definition defined in one dev org (A) and migrate it to another EE trial org (B)
Instead of doing a full migrate, I am just taking the xml from  A and trying to overwrite the file in B through cut-and-paste. I save
and then within a few seconds the old  file from the server (B) overwrites from changes from A. This happens no matter what i try to do - when I say save to server, it doesn't do it either...

Usually one deploys from one org to another, but what you are trying to do should also work. Basically, you're just editing a file, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are not creating a new component, you're simply cutting/pasting XML from definition "A" to definition "B".

  1. In project A, copy XML
  2. Open project B
  3. Paste XML in place of existing definition
  4. Click the Save icon

I think what you must be doing is right-clicking the object and choosing > Save to Server on a dirty (unsaved) file. You are already logged into the "B" organization, so any time you click Save, you'll be making the desired changes.