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Contents of .profile files in IDE


Was wondering about the files under the 'profiles' folder in my Eclipse project.  Their format looks like...

<Profile xmlns="">

. . .

. . .

. . .


 Now:  what I'm seeing is - these profile files contain information for ONLY objects that were created in this org via the IDE itself; i.e. permission information on objects/fields created via the GUI does not appear.

Is this the intended behaviour?  Is there a way to populate these files with ALL the field/object visibility/permission information?  Also - is there a plan to include the remaining profile-related metadata - e.g. page layouts, admin permissions - in these profile files?



I'm not very familiar with profiles, but I will check into it. We are adding more and more to the Metadata API all the time. Page layouts is in progress...
Thanks!  I'm sure there are a whole lot of us out here who are eager to see a fully-fleshed-out metadata API.
