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Custom Link did not transfer to Test Drive

I have several custom links in a custom object that transfered great to the "Test Drive". There is one link in the Contact and that did not transfer. The link shows on the page after editting the layout - however the link does not work. It does work in my developer instance. I went into the test drive and checked the labels, etc and everything is mapped correctly. The message says "insufficient priveledges - contact record owner or admin".
I am the admin level so I'm not sure where to go with this?

Would greatly appreciate any help on this - this small detail is holding up the project.

Ron HessRon Hess
need to see the link

can you paste it here?
Thanks for the reply.
I knew to adjust the link when moving it to another org since it was created for a standard tab. My error was a zero instead of an "O". Pretty simple but I just couldn't see it!(it was a long day)