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Matrix Reports : formula fields
I am trying to build a matix report which has both row groupings and column groups. In the summary section i drop in one of the columns called 'Amount' in one of custom objects. When the report is displayed, the row title for this summary field says 'Sum of Amount'. I want to get rid of this title and call my title as just 'Amount' without the 'Sum of'. There currently didnt seem to be a way to change the title.
To overcome this i created a formula field in the report which sums the amount and called it 'Amount'. However, I am unable to drag this field to the summary section of the report. I can only drag it if I include atleast one other column from the custom object. If i remove the the column, the formula field i added also is removed. Is this a bug?
Is there a way to change the title or get rid of the 'Sum Of' before the column which was my original requirement.
There's a new Profile property called Report Builder. If you're a Sys Admin then clone the standard profile as you won't be able to switch it off, change the profile property and then re-assign your use to your Custom Sys Admin profile.
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You have the right solution as I recall but it does sound like a bug in the new drag-and-drop report builder. Suggest you raise a case. In the meantime you should still be able to access the old wizard style report customisation to try adding the report formula column without any other fields.
You'll need to edit - or create a new profile, to remove the Report Builder property in order to switch back to the old view, but it does still work. However, I tried the same thing using the Report Builder and it worked fine, care to share a screenshot of the report ?
thanks for the response. i will perhaps try with a simple test case first. i am also positive that it is a bug with the new builder since i created a similar report before and it works fine. i tried to edit the report metadata to mimic my older report but didnt succeed. i didnt know that we could revert to the old report builder. can you let me know where the property is to switch to old report wizard. thanks
There's a new Profile property called Report Builder. If you're a Sys Admin then clone the standard profile as you won't be able to switch it off, change the profile property and then re-assign your use to your Custom Sys Admin profile.