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The Custom CloudThe Custom Cloud 

How do you group a report by Hour instead of by Day of Createddate, modified date, etc?

You can group by day, week, month, and large but I cannot figure out how to group by hour.  I thought this would be a common problem but I haven't had any luck finding anything regarding it through searches.


I know adding a formula field that calculates the hour for each record would work but I am hoping for a cleaner solution.


Anyone else experienced this issue?


Thank you.

Steve :-/Steve :-/

How are you capturing your data?  are you using a Date/Time field?

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Here's a formula to get the Hour from CreatedDate, you need to adjust the formula from GMT to your Local Time (that's what the "- 0.1667" is for)


MID (TEXT (CreatedDate - 0.1667), 12, 5)



Steve :-/Steve :-/

Are you all set or do you still need help?

The Custom CloudThe Custom Cloud

I am not aware of functions like the one you provided being available in reports. 


What you provided above looks like a formula field function to me.


Any ideas?


Thank you.

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Yes, it is a Formula Field.  To do what you're trying to do you need to create a Formula Field that with display the Time portion of CreatedDate or ModifedDate and use the custom field in your Report.

The Custom CloudThe Custom Cloud

I do appreciate your help Steve but that is what I said I was trying to avoid:smileyhappy:



Steve :-/Steve :-/

Sorry, it looks like that the only solution available at the moment, you might want to post something on the IdeaExchange.