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Validate the Opportunity Stage.

Hi Guys,

 I want to apply Validation rule such that if user once change the Opportunity stages from stage 1 to stage 2 or stage 3,then he cannot change the stage again from stage 3 to neither stage 2 nor stage 1.


Guys i used  the following fuction to validate but it's not working.






Guys Signature are like that I mentioned Only 3 because there are many stages ,which looks Very complex.


Please help,Any suggestion would be appreciate.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Steve :-/Steve :-/

here you go

CASE( StageName ,
"Needs Analysis",3,
"Value Proposition",4,
"Id. Decision Makers",5,
"Perception Analysis",6,
"Proposal/Price Quote",7,
"Closed Won",9,
"Closed Lost",9,0)
"Needs Analysis",3,
"Value Proposition",4,
"Id. Decision Makers",5,
"Perception Analysis",6,
"Proposal/Price Quote",7,
"Closed Won",9,
"Closed Lost",9,0)


All Answers

Steve :-/Steve :-/

here you go

CASE( StageName ,
"Needs Analysis",3,
"Value Proposition",4,
"Id. Decision Makers",5,
"Perception Analysis",6,
"Proposal/Price Quote",7,
"Closed Won",9,
"Closed Lost",9,0)
"Needs Analysis",3,
"Value Proposition",4,
"Id. Decision Makers",5,
"Perception Analysis",6,
"Proposal/Price Quote",7,
"Closed Won",9,
"Closed Lost",9,0)


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks a Lot.....For this Valuable Help....

Steve :-/Steve :-/

No problem, you owe me a beer (these terms are non-negotiable)  


cheers! ;-)


Oh yeah, and I like to drink these ->