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Auto Populate Field Based on Custom Pick-List Selection
Newbie to this but I am trying to create a custom formula for a user defined field that will auto-populate with a text value based on a user defined pick-list selection.
Can anyone help...I have not been able to find anything in the help or internet for this.
ex....Region 17 is selected from the Region field; NAME is populated in the Region Manager Field.
Can anyone help...I have not been able to find anything in the help or internet for this.
ex....Region 17 is selected from the Region field; NAME is populated in the Region Manager Field.
I have a picklist field called Region with values of EAST and WEST.
I am trying to have the value of the Region auto-populate a Location formula text field.
I am using the following to create the Location field:
CASE ( Region__c , EAST, "Building 1" , Region__c WEST, "Building 2", "None")
also tried:
CASE( ISPICKVAL(Region__c ,EAST, "Building 1" , Region__c , WEST, "Building 2")
Both are returning errors - do you see what I am missing?
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Hi Autochic,
Have you thought about making a dependant picklist? That sounds like it would handle your needs really well - you create a second picklist which has choices like Building 1, Building 2 and then make it dependant on the Region picklist so that if East is selected, Building 1 is the only option.
Anyway, if that doesn't work for you then you'll need to write a lot more code than what you've got so far. You've got the right general idea, but you need to repeat the sections. I'm not great with code, but the basic idea would be
Good luck!
Here is what I used and it works like a charm, make sure it follows this format and you should be golden:
CASE( RSM_Sub_Region__c,
"1-North East", "NAME",
"2-Mid East", "NAME",
"3-South East", "NAME",
I was going to go the route of dependent picklist, however my needs are somewhat more complex. The field needs to be auto-populated. As far as I see, the dependent picklist would still need to be manually selected, as it has more than one value and cannot be set to default.
So... I still need to figure out the formula
Hi Khalid,
If you just want a field from another object to display on an object I think what you want to do is make an S-Control. Then, as long as there's a clear relationship between the objects, I think it's basically just referencing the field. For example, {!Account.Division}. Ironically, that's the easy part - the hard part is getting it to look like it belongs on the form.
For example, here's the code that I use to display the 18 digit asset ID:
thanks so much for sharing your solution!