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OK, here's another one . . . can this be done?

Management wants to assign a "weighted amount" to Opportunities based on the Amount and the Probablility %.  Example: if prob % = 70% weighted Amount = Amount * 25%, if prob % = 80 weighted Amount = Amount * 30% etc.  Would there be a way to have a formula field in Opportnities that would make that calculation against Amount based on what the Prob % is?  If yes, any suggestions on how to create it?
Again, I am not a developer or an Excel wizard unfortunately . . . but I know there are some folks out there who probably do this kind of stuff in their sleep.  Any help would be welcomed!
Jeff TalbotJeff Talbot
Yes, you can write a formula to calc that, but it would be in a custom field, not in the standard field . However, before we go down that road, I first have to ask.... Have you considered changing the default probability percentages that are associated with the sales stages? Or do you need those default percentages for something else?

Weird question, I know.  Figured we would need a separate formula field for "Weighted Amount" or something along those lines.

Here's the explanation: 

I need to keep the probability values where they are right now--they are used for lots of things.  But the managers want to do some reporting where they can take into consideration the Amount of the opportunity in relation to it's Probability % . . . the interesting part is that they say that they want to figure that only "X" percent of certain probability groups will actually likely close.  So let's say that if they look at all deals that are 70% probability, they safely figure that 25% of those deals may really close.  So they want to be able to see a value of the Opportunities that would be the (Amount x 25%) for all deals at 70%.  Deals that are at 80% and so on would have a higher weight. So if all 70% deals add up to $1m . . . the Weighted Amounts would add up to 25% of that (or whatever % they decide on--they kind of yanked 25% out of their you-know-whats).

I was thnking that each Opportunity would have a "Weighted Amount" field and then I could use that in reports to even show comparison vs the "normal" amount.

Let me know if that helps.  I know it sounds a little convoluted, but that's the only way I think I can get what these guys want in the end.


Message Edited by thusker on 02-26-2008 02:39 PM
Jeff TalbotJeff Talbot
Here's a way to write that formula.
IF(Probability<0.01, Amount * 0,
IF(Probability<0.71, Amount * 0.25,
IF(Probability<0.81, Amount * 0.30,
I don't have your complete list of probabilities and associated weighted percentages, so this obviously isn't the complete formula you need, but hopefully this shows you a way to derive the value that you're looking for. Note, The else value that I used in my example (888888888) is simply an easily identifiable value that will indicate a problem in the formula if it is ever returned as a formula result in one of your Opportunity records. Good luck.
Fantastic . . . that helps a ton!  I don't have the completed list of values either . . . hope to soon.  But that definitely gives me something to go by to get started.  Thank you very much!