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Looking for validation rule that enforces forecast category and close date mangment

Does anyone have a validation rule formulas that enforce the anyone of the following.

1. Opportunity sales stage must be in "Legal" if the close date two weeks before the end of a quarter

2. If probability is a certain value, Forecast catory must be set to a Best Case.

Our sales process has not mapped the "Best Case" forecast category to a particular sales stage.  It is only use identify opps with a good chance of closing towards the end of the quarter, but sales reps are not updating their opportunities.

thanks in advance
I'll try the second one first, because I think it's easier:

    probability > x,
    <>ispickval(ForecastCategoryName, "Best Case")

As far as the first one, I think you could generate a time-based workflow that would notify the opp owner if the sales stage wasn't in Legal and it was 2 weeks from a specific date, but you'd probably have to manually update that date once a quarter. It would of course be possible to put a validation rule in place, but that would only fire if/when they tried to make some other change to the oppty, and I presume that's the problem: they aren't updating the opportunity when it's getting close to the end of the quarter.