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governor limits question

I have a trigger on update call, with one SOQL statement per trigger, although sometimes it might call another trigger (once, not recursively).  I am trying to test how large amount of data will behave, and therefore I am calling update method several times. Each time I call update, SOQL statement gets added to script execution stack, and when it reaches the limit of 21, it blows up.

We have a custom program based on Web Services API that runs every night and updates the data in SF production db. Particularly, it calls SoapBindingStub.update or SoapBindingStub.create in batches 100 records each. I do not understand how exactly it is being processed after that. Is the trigger called for each updated obejct separately? If yes, are all SOQL statements caused by these triggers get added to one script execution stack, which can not exceed 100, according to documentation? So if our Web Services app is updating in batches of 100, does it mean we can only have one SOQL statement per updated object to avoid the limit? What if we need more than one SOQL per trigger?
I find that there is no sufficient documentation on how this is processed. Could anyone clarify?
Thank you.

Message Edited by Nadia on 03-21-2008 01:58 PM