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How do I assign value to a parent-child field?

I have this code which gives an error when I try to compile my trigger:

for (Asset a : {
    if (Trigger.isInsert) {
        AssetHistory__c nli0 = new AssetHistory__c();
        insert nli0;
    else {

the error is Error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Asset__r.Id at line 8 column 9

I tried this replacement which compiles but does not assign any value to the parent field Asset__r when the trigger executes.


and these lines all give cannot write errors, or field not in AssetHistory__c object:

nli0.Asset__rId = a.Id;
nli0.AssetId = a.Id;

My question is, how do I assign a parent Asset to my AssetHistory__c objects?

Any help is appreciated.
Asset__r should be Asset__c as in -- works fine now.