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Governor limits for @future

The Winter '09 docs don't seem to have anything about governor limits with the @future call other than the fact you can only invoke 200 @future methods/day/org. I know one of the goals of the @future notation is to allow us to get around the current apex governor limits without killing servers.

Does anyone know what the @future limits will be? We're thinking of new functionality that would fit into @future methods and want to get a sense of what we'll be dealing with in regard to limits.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Async methods inherit the explicit invocation limits, eg: execute anonymous, Visualforce controllers, and webservices.  The key point to digest is that each ansychronous invocation carries its own set of limits - it does not share or consume any limits from the request context.  For example:

trigger GenericTrigger on Generic__c (before insert, before update) {

UtilityClass.callSynchronousProcess(); //this synchronous method shares the limits within the trigger context
UtilityClass.callAsyncProcess(); // this method invocation contains its own set of limits
UtilityClass.callAysncProcess2();//this method invocation contains its own set of limits


In addition:
-You can call up to 10 async methods within one request.
-You can call up to 200 async request per user.

All Answers

I believe the @future gets you out of the trigger limits and into the class limits.

Please comment on this to confirm.
Async methods inherit the explicit invocation limits, eg: execute anonymous, Visualforce controllers, and webservices.  The key point to digest is that each ansychronous invocation carries its own set of limits - it does not share or consume any limits from the request context.  For example:

trigger GenericTrigger on Generic__c (before insert, before update) {

UtilityClass.callSynchronousProcess(); //this synchronous method shares the limits within the trigger context
UtilityClass.callAsyncProcess(); // this method invocation contains its own set of limits
UtilityClass.callAysncProcess2();//this method invocation contains its own set of limits


In addition:
-You can call up to 10 async methods within one request.
-You can call up to 200 async request per user.
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks for the info.

Ours is developer edition. I did not see a column for developers edition.



Is the 200 limit per user/per day or per org?


I see multiple postings with that question, but no clear answer. You seem to imply it is per user/day.  Please confirm!

