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Trigger error that record is read only

I'm trying to copy the values from one multiselect picklist to another on the lead object and I get and error that the record is read only, yet I can update the record on the form. What am I doing wrong?

Record is read-only: Trigger.Area_of_Interest: line 21, column 9 which is this line:
   a.area_of_interest__c = entries.get(;

trigger Area_of_Interest on Lead (after update) {

    // Set up list to hold unique IDs of all new or updated leads
    Set<Id> leadIds = New Set<Id>();
    // Set up list to hold unique area of interests
    Set<String> interests = new Set<String>();
    // Iterate through array of new or updated records
    for (Lead a :{
        if (a.area_of_interest_landing__c != '')
    // Map the area of interest field values to ID
    Map<ID, Lead> entries = new Map<Id, Lead>(
        [select area_of_interest_landing__c, area_of_interest__c from Lead where ID in : leadIds]); 
     for (Lead a :{
        a.area_of_interest__c = entries.get(;
        update a;
My guess would be it's because you're doing it in an after trigger.  Try it in a before update trigger instead perhaps
I would agree with werewolf, use a before trigger instead.  Also, note that you wouldn't need the update statement in that scenario, since the changes to the records would be in process when the trigger fired.
trigger Area_of_Interest on Lead (before update) {

    // Iterate through array of new or updated records
    for (Lead a :{ 
        if (a.area_of_interest_landing__c != '')
           a.area_of_interest__c = a.area_of_interest_landing__c;


No that didn't change anything.
Did you verify that the user inserting the lead has write access to the field?