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Product Pricing Formula Field

I am trying to create a formula field to update the list pricing based on a picklist value.  I keep getting an error.  What would be a better way to get this information.


IF(ISPICKVAL( Pricing_Level__c, "Premier"),ROUND(ListPrice - (ListPrice*(3/10)),1) ,OR(IF(ISPICKVAL( Pricing_Level__c, "Preferred"), Round(ListPrice - (ListPrice*(2/10)),1),IF(ISPICKVAL( Pricing_Level__c, "Authorized"), Round(ListPrice - (ListPrice*(1/10)),1), ListPrice))))

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Steve :-/Steve :-/

that is how IF statements work, you must supply what is called an ELSE result at the end.


like this:  


IF(WaterTemp > 212 f, "Steam",

IF(WaterTemp > 32 f,"Water",



in this example "Ice" is the ELSE result, it's the only thing left if the temp is less than 212 or 32

All Answers

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Where are you trying to do this?  Are you on the Opportunty Product (Line Item)?  Which edition of SFDC are you using?


Yes on the opportunity product in the Enterprise edition.

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Okay, I don't think that a straight formula will work for you, I think your best bet might be with a Workflow Rule and a Field Update Workflow Action.


Is there any way to do an IF statement with an OR involved?  Really what I need is to say that if the pricing level is preferred then do this, or if it is authorized do this otherwise do this.  How would I write that statement

Steve :-/Steve :-/

that is how IF statements work, you must supply what is called an ELSE result at the end.


like this:  


IF(WaterTemp > 212 f, "Steam",

IF(WaterTemp > 32 f,"Water",



in this example "Ice" is the ELSE result, it's the only thing left if the temp is less than 212 or 32

This was selected as the best answer

I was just writing it incorrectly!  Thank you so much!



IF(Pricing_Level__c ="Standard",  UnitPrice,IF(Pricing_Level__c = "Authorized", Authorized_Price__c,IF(Pricing_Level__c="Preferred", Preferred_Price__c, IF(Pricing_Level__c="Premier",Premier_Price__c,UnitPrice))))

 This is my formula field.  I keep getting an error stating it it too many characters.  How can I fix this?