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Best practices - best way to use System.debug and system.assert

Hey everyone,


I've been dabbling in apex code for a while. I've always used system.assert to check my code and view the apex error in my triggers. Once I confirmed I've gotten the right output/input I comment out the system.assert.


I've been seeing a lot of board messages suggesting using system.debug. I've looked at the dev. manual and I'm a bit confused. How and when do I use system.debug? Why use system.debug over system.assert?


Any real life examples including the system.debug and the output of system.debug would be appreciated as well.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Is a way how you can output data. You can see the output statement in the debug log. you can use this in every apex method or trigger



Is a unit testing statement. You can check wheather the output your code is as expected.This statement is used in testmethod, if the assertion failes your whole testmethod fails and you can't depoly your code.




Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test AG'); try{ insert a; }catch(System.Exception e){ System.debug('Exception occured: ' + e); System.assert(false); }


System.debug('This is the id from the created account: '+ a.Id);


System.assertEquals([Select a.Name from Accuont a where a.Id = :a.Id limit 1].Name ,'Test AG');




All Answers



Is a way how you can output data. You can see the output statement in the debug log. you can use this in every apex method or trigger



Is a unit testing statement. You can check wheather the output your code is as expected.This statement is used in testmethod, if the assertion failes your whole testmethod fails and you can't depoly your code.




Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test AG'); try{ insert a; }catch(System.Exception e){ System.debug('Exception occured: ' + e); System.assert(false); }


System.debug('This is the id from the created account: '+ a.Id);


System.assertEquals([Select a.Name from Accuont a where a.Id = :a.Id limit 1].Name ,'Test AG');




This was selected as the best answer
Nathan CrosbyNathan Crosby

Using both together can be helpful in the testing process and system.debug is also helpful when troubleshooting once in production.


As you have found, assert and assertEquals allows you to test an expected condition within your test methods for establishing correct behavior in your code.


System.debug allows you to write information in string format to the debug log. This can be simple text such as "...calling xyz function..." or writing actual variable values to the log. This allows you to see not only what is happening while you are testing (along with the assert functions), but your debug statements can reside outside your test methods giving you the ability to write to the debug log when in production. This way if something goes wrong in production you can look at the detail captured in the debug log and any additional information you may be writing to the debug log via the System.debug method.

Thank you both! I haven't actually used System.AssertEquals - but that looks much better than doing all my 'tests' with system.assert(false, msg) and commenting out after seeing the output.