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Apex code error



My date field type is Date. date patern is yy-mm-dd.


String year = '';

String month = '';String day =

'';string stringDate = year + '' + month + '' + day;

Date DueDate = date.valueOf(stringDate);


my code is here. but still error. can you pl's tel me how to write code. and also I want to write regular expression for that date field.

The code you pasted in seems to be broken. Perhaps you can be a little clearer?

You can learn about regular expressions on this page of the Apex manual.
A regexp for yy-mm-dd might look like: '\d\d-\d\d-\d\d'



Here the code sample,


String year = '';

String month = '';

String day = '';

String StringDate = year + '' + month + '' + day;

Date DueDate = date.valueOf(stringDate);


Perhaps you could benefit from a bit more time studying the manual and experimenting with execute anonymous. The docs for the method valueOf for the class date say it works like this:



The String should use the standard date format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" in the local time zone. For example:

string year = '2008';
string month = '10';
string day = '5';
string hour = '12';
string minute = '20';
string second = '20';
string stringDate = year + '-' + month
+ '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' +
minute + ':' + second;

Date myDate = date.valueOf(stringDate);





for decimal type what is the regular expresion


ex; Desimal amount;



for Double type  what is regular expression


ex: double number