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How to make a field as ReadOnly in GUI for an SObject

How to make a field as Readonly in GUI.
For ex: In Account Tab, i want to make a Phone Field as ReadOnly in GUI. when we click on Edit on an Account, in that I want to disable that textbox related to Phone field. How can i do this.

Go to set up->Customize->Account->PageLayout and set the field as read only .


Thanks for your reply. But i want to make that field as readonly in GUI. when we click on New or Edit there i want to disable that textbox. how can i do this.

Message Edited by PRepaka on 07-31-2008 05:01 AM
Not sure i fi have understood correctly. You can set the field only in pagelayout which renders the field in GUI as readonly.
If the requirement is to not to edit the existing value in the phone field in an account , u can use a validation rule on that field
with the ISCHANGED function and throw an error message.
In GUI,  we want to make that textbox disabled. user not able to enter any value in that field.