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Static PDF email attachment
Here's my dilema; I have a visualforce page that allows a user to select a contact to send an email to. This email will always be the same .pdf file attached to it. I've learned how to create and send the email, but, I don't see how I can attach the .pdf file. I thought that I would be able to save the file as a static resource and add it, but, that does not seem possible. I've read lots of material on converting a visualforce page into a pdf and adding that as an attachment, but, that doesn't really fit with what I'm doing. My file will always be the same, so, I was really looking for a way to store it in 'the cloud' and then add it to my emails when required.
Any advice?
Okay, here's how I did it.
public void SendTestEmail(){
//Create a new single email message object
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage objEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
objEmail.setToAddresses(new String[] {''});
// Subject
objEmail.setSubject('PDF Test email');
objEmail.setPlainTextBody('This is a test email');
List<StaticResource> objPDF = [Select body, name from StaticResource where Name = 'xx'];
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] objEmailAttachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[1];
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment objPDFAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
objPDFAttachment.setFileName(objPDF[0].name + '.pdf');
objEmailAttachments[0] = objPDFAttachment;
List<Messaging.Sendemailresult> objER = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {objEmail});
if (!objER[0].isSuccess()){
Error handling;
All Answers
Come on, I can't be the only person that needs to do this!
Answers please!
Okay, here's how I did it.
public void SendTestEmail(){
//Create a new single email message object
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage objEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
objEmail.setToAddresses(new String[] {''});
// Subject
objEmail.setSubject('PDF Test email');
objEmail.setPlainTextBody('This is a test email');
List<StaticResource> objPDF = [Select body, name from StaticResource where Name = 'xx'];
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] objEmailAttachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[1];
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment objPDFAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
objPDFAttachment.setFileName(objPDF[0].name + '.pdf');
objEmailAttachments[0] = objPDFAttachment;
List<Messaging.Sendemailresult> objER = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {objEmail});
if (!objER[0].isSuccess()){
Error handling;
I am using the same code which you have mentioned above.
I want to Send an email to Opportunty owner with the Attachment which are added into opportunity.
I an getting emial with attachments but attachment file converted into binary file.
Any Idea ???
That means , we can not attach any file with email as it gets converted into binary
I have written a trigger on Attachment and it will send an email with attachments .
I uploaded a file say “abc.txt” and I got this file into email but it getting converted into binary( when I open this txt file it shows junk characters)
Below is my trigger code
trigger AttchTrg on Attachment (after insert, after update) {
public Attachment[] newAttachment =; // Adding an Attachment
// Create a new single email message object
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {''};
// Specify the subject line for your email address.
mail.setSubject('Test email');
// add the attachment to an email message
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] fileAttachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[1];
//create an attachment object to populate with data
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment fileAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
//add attachment object to attachments array
//add attachments to mail message
// Send the email you have created.
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
Let me know.
I can't see anything particularly wrong with this, except that I found I had to append the file type when I called the setFileName method, e.g.
fileAttachment.setFileName(newAttachment[0].Name + '.txt');
but, that was only so I didn't have to browse to the right application to open the file.
I tested your code sucesfully with the following changes:
1. I did not call the code through a trigger - I simply used a VF page
2. I used a text file I uploaded as a static resource.
I'm not suggesting you make those changes, it just points to a possible problem with running this code through a trigger or how you're coming by the attachment.
you have a problem with the email attachments, then please check this native salesforce application MassMailer DOCS.
MassMailer DOCS let’s you easily mass email attachments to your leads or contacts while securely storing your files with Rackspace Cloud Files.
You can try this app by installing from appexchange - Massmailer Docs
You can learn more details about the product on this website -