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System.Exception- Too many script statements: 50001
The following errors are being caused through the API call from the client's proprietary system to Salesforce. It is caused by the following Trigger. However, when I run tests for the Test Class for this Trigger it displays 93% test coverage. The Trigger is already placed in production and it is causing this error.
The Error is the following:-
Trigger.CopyLiveDateToAccount.CopyLiveDate: line 103, column 17
Trigger.CopyLiveDateToAccount: line 49, column 5: [Ljava.lang.String;@3a38f3
2009-01-04@06:19:33,260|NDC: 1231077615800467873150|ERROR|business.workflow.BdcAccountInSalesForceDAO.|[JMS SessionPool Worker-265]|BdcAccountInSalesForceDAO.upsert: failed to upsert object with bdcAccountId: 98D50404-8144-4C03-BB82-047B55A3F6B6, User Id: and Salesforce ID: null
2009-01-04@06:19:33,260|NDC: 1231077615800467873150|ERROR|business.workflow.BdcAccountInSalesForceDAO.|[JMS SessionPool Worker-265]|BdcAccountInSalesForceDAO.upsert: API error(s):
2009-01-04@06:19:33,260|NDC: 1231077615800467873150|ERROR|business.workflow.BdcAccountInSalesForceDAO.|[JMS SessionPool Worker-265]|[CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY] CopyLiveDateToAccount: execution of AfterUpdate
caused by: System.Exception: Too many script statements: 50001
Here is the Trigger:-
//Whenever a CRM Snapshot record will be inserted trigger will look all the CRM Snapshot
//records for least "Live Date" of CRM SnapShot and copy to "Live Date" field of Account.
trigger CopyLiveDateToAccount on BDC_Account__c (after insert, after update,after delete)
BDC_Account__c[] bdcAccounts = new BDC_Account__c[]{};
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
BDC_Account__c[] bdcAccountsOld = new BDC_Account__c[]{};
//If the record is inserted
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
bdcAccounts =;
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
else if(Trigger.isUpdate)
bdcAccounts =;
bdcAccountsOld = Trigger.old;
// Code Inserted by SA On 1:16 AM IST 12/19/2008
else if(Trigger.isDelete)
bdcAccounts = Trigger.old;
Set <ID>setAccountIds = new Set <ID>();
for(BDC_Account__c crmSnapShot: bdcAccounts)
if(crmSnapShot.Account__c != null)
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
Set <ID>setAccountIdsToBeNull = new Set <ID>();
for(Integer i=0;i<bdcAccountsOld.size();i++)
if(bdcAccountsOld[i].Account__c != null && bdcAccounts[i].Account__c == null)
else if(bdcAccountsOld[i].Account__c != null && (bdcAccountsOld[i].Account__c != bdcAccounts[i].Account__c))
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
if(Trigger.isUpdate && setAccountIdsToBeNull.size()>0)
//this function will copy the least Live date from CRM Snapshot object to Account
// Code Inserted by SA On 4:45 PM 12/30/2008
private void CopyLiveDate (BDC_Account__c[] crmSnapShots,Set<ID> setAccountIdsSet)
System.debug('SA' + setAccountIds);
BDC_Account__c [] bdcAccs = [select id, Account__c, Live_Date__c from BDC_Account__c where Account__c in:setAccountIdsSet];
Account [] AccountsToBeUpdated = new Account[]{};
for (BDC_Account__c acc: crmSnapShots)
Date lessDate = null;
// Code Inserted by SA On 1:12 AM 12/20/2008
Date lastLiveDate = null;
// Code Inserted by SA On 1:16 AM IST 12/19/2008
System.debug('SA CurrentChilds' + crmSnapShots);
System.debug('SA AllChilds' + bdcAccs);
//Get the least Live date
for(BDC_Account__c allBdcAcc: bdcAccs)
if(allBdcAcc.Account__c == acc.Account__c)
if (lessDate == null)
lessDate = allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c;
if (allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c<lessDate)
lessDate = allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c;
System.debug('SA Final Date' + lessDate);
// Code Inserted by SA On 1:12 AM 12/20/2008
if (lastLiveDate == null)
lastLiveDate = allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c;
else // Code Inserted by SA On 1:12 AM 12/20/2008
if (allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c>lastLiveDate)
lastLiveDate = allBdcAcc.Live_Date__c;
System.debug('SA Last Live Date' + lastLiveDate);
if(acc.Account__c != null)
Account a = new Account(Id=acc.Account__c);
a.Live_Date__c= lessDate;
// Code Inserted by SA On 1:12 AM 12/20/2008
a.Last_Live_Date__c= lastLiveDate;
System.debug('SA Account To be Updated' + a);
update AccountsToBeUpdated;
}// Update Account
Could someone please advice what is causing these errors? Is it the If-Else statements, too many loops.???
Trigger context is 10,000 statements plus 200 times the number of records in the top level call. For example, a DML statement that processes 200 records is subject to a limit of 10,000 + 200*200, which equals 50,000 statements.
More information here about governor limits:
So the goal is to refactor the apex code to not have any unnecessary for loops, or to combine multiple for loops into a single loop (for example).