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currency fieldd to show decimal

I have a currency field which i need to change to show only numbers with the decimal . is this possible . any ideas apprciated .


USD 1,200,234    /// 1200234.12




You can do this in another way like create a formula field of number type and assign that currency field value into this field. Now you can use this field and hide that currency field from the layout if needed.


If you want that field should be editable then create a text type field and update that field value through workflow.



Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


ur answer was confusing . i don't even need the currency type .. it was a field made incorrectly and now is reference in many places so can't even delete it .


i cannot create a another field as users enter value in the original field .. will just make things confusing ..


looking more towards a validation rule that would override the currency  and show the number with decimals

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

1)  Create a new "Formula" custom field on your object.

2)  Specify the type of formula as "Number"

3)  In the formula editor, choose the currency field you want to use

4)  Complete the wizard


That will do it - I just verified it in a SF org.

