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Need help on Custom Formula
I am trying to input the below code on Custom Formula, but getting Error.
CASE( Status ,
"Open - Not Contacted","Open - Not Contacted",
"Working - Contacted","Working - Contacted",
"Open- In Approval","Open- In Approval",
"Channel Deal Approved (Converted)", "Channel Deal Approved (Converted)",
"Closed - Converted","Closed - Converted",
"Closed - Not Converted","Closed - Not Converted",
"Closed - Not Converted","Closed - Not Converted",
"Ready to Convert","Ready to Convert",
"Open - Not Contacted","Open - Not Contacted",
"Working - Contacted","Working - Contacted",
"Open- In Approval","Open- In Approval",
"Channel Deal Approved (Converted)", "Channel Deal Approved (Converted)",
"Closed - Converted","Closed - Converted",
"Closed - Not Converted","Closed - Not Converted",
"Closed - Not Converted","Closed - Not Converted",
"Ready to Convert","Ready to Convert",
Can any one help on the same?
Here's the description of the rule:
If the type is NOT Product Vendor, AND stage is Present Solution, Close-Won, or Negotiation, AND it's over 500K, AND system admin not updater, then sold cost must be completed. Only if oppty create date is >= 6/1/2007.
(OR(AND(YEAR( DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )) = 2007, MONTH( DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )) >= 6),
YEAR( DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )) >= 2008)),
($RecordType.Name = "Test_Sales_Rec"),
(NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.User_Type__c, "System Admin"))),
(OR(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Present Solution"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Negotiation"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed-Won"))),
(NOT(ISPICKVAL(Type , "Product Vendor"))),
(Amount >= 500000),
(NULLVALUE(Soldmargin__c, 0) = 0)
Hope this helps.
Thx Barb.
I will try the code.