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Formula to populate custom account field with previous owner full name after transfer

If anyone can suggest a formula/way to populate a custom field with the previous owners name once the account gets transferred I sure would appreciate it.  I've tried multiple solutions but the PRIORVALUE function isn't available in formula fields and a workflow field update using a formula doesn't allow for the account owner to populate just the OwnerID.  PRIORVALUE is available here.  I realize all of this is the history which I track but I've been asked, by someone who is lazy, to figure it out.


Thanks in advance,



I wonder if it would work if you used the workflow rule to populate a field that was a lookup to the user table - then by setting it to an ID it would show the name. Have you tried that?

Thanks for the reply.  I figured out a way by creating a workflow field update to populate a custom field titled Previous OwnerId.  Formula reads ISCHANGED(OwnerID); Action PRIORVALUE(OwnerID).  Then a formula field to populate the previous account owners name based on a match of the Previous OwnerID field.  Yes, unfortunately this field will have to be maintained when new users are added.  Unfortunately I went over the compile size, lame, so I had to do separate formula fields by region and create separate page layouts so I wouldn't have four fields indicating the previous owner on one layout. 


 I attempted your suggestion and if I understood you correctly updating a lookup field to the user object with a workflow of the Ownerid isn't possible.  You can't set a formula on a lookup field, rather you have to select a specific user.  Why Salesforce doesn't make the Account Owner field  available for field updates/formulas is beyond me.  Who uses the current user fields anyway?


Thanks again,

Mark Fardella

Glad you found a workaround. One other idea: there's supposed to be new cross-object workflow functionality coming out as part of Spring '09, which is just around the corner. You might revisit this when it's live in a couple (or less) of weeks.
Awesome. I'll take a look.
The "fine print" is that this is only available for custom objects in Spring '09.