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Reference to an object


I have a reference Id from a query of an object to reference another object. How can I use this reference id to either look up the record or directly access the record?




Venkat PolisettVenkat Polisett
Please post some code, then we can help you.

for (myContact__c c : [Select Id, Name, Email_Recipient__c Where Name like :contactName Limit 1]) { ); recipId = c.Email_Recipient__c; } insert newC_Report; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.debug('Error: ' + e); }

 Email_Recipient__c is a reference to another object with a field for email address, so I need to access the email address with the recipId from above.


In Apex explorer it looks like:


Email_Recipeint__c - reference(18)

-       Email_Recipient__r

       -       Email_address__c




Venkat PolisettVenkat Polisett

To get to the email address, use the below in your SOQL:




I was making it harder than it was.

