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Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist
Could somebody please explain to me why I'm getting this error? I want to extract the Comment from the CaseComment entity if was just recently added to the ase
trigger UpdateCaseCom on Task (after insert)
String LastCaseComment; Datetime DateFilter =;
for (CaseComment cc : [select id, CommentBody, CreatedDate from CaseComment where CreatedDate >: DateFilter]);
LastCaseComment = cc.CommentBody;
for (Task t : [select Description, Type, Subject, isclosed, status, WhatId from task where Id in]) {
Hi Simon
Thanks for that but now I getting a new error:
Error: Compile Error: Invalid field CommentBody for SObject Case at line 8 column 23 trigger
UpdateCaseCom on Task (after insert)
String LastCaseComment;
Datetime DateFilter =;
for (Case dc : [Select id, CommentBody, CreatedDate from CaseComment where CreatedDate >: DateFilter])
LastCaseComment = dc.CommentBody;