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Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist

Could somebody please explain to me why I'm getting this error? I want to extract the Comment from the CaseComment entity if was just recently added to the ase


Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: cc.CommentBody at line 9 column 23 


trigger UpdateCaseCom on Task (after insert)


    String LastCaseComment; Datetime DateFilter =;

    for (CaseComment cc : [select id, CommentBody, CreatedDate from CaseComment where CreatedDate >: DateFilter]);



            LastCaseComment = cc.CommentBody;


    for (Task t : [select Description, Type, Subject, isclosed, status, WhatId from task where Id in]) {

You have a semi-colon on the end of your for line, this means the code you think is inside the for loop is not, and so now the cc variable is out of scope.

Hi Simon


Thanks for that but now I getting a new error: 

Error: Compile Error: Invalid field CommentBody for SObject Case at line 8 column 23 trigger


UpdateCaseCom on Task (after insert)


String LastCaseComment;

Datetime DateFilter =;

for (Case dc : [Select id, CommentBody, CreatedDate from CaseComment where CreatedDate >: DateFilter])


   LastCaseComment = dc.CommentBody;


Vijay RautVijay Raut
Replied to your other thread.