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Sample wsdl for intergration of external web service with salesforce



I am new to SalesForce. We have a requirement to integrate our service with the salesforce.

In  in the Apex refrence pdf(salesforce_apex_language_reference.pdf), they tell to import the wsdl file & map the end point in Remote Setting.

Can any one please give me the sample wsdl with the end point. I tried wsdl like "AmazonWebServices.wsdl, AmazonS3.wsdl, GoogleSearch.wsdl,..."

Since those uses rpc which is not supoorted in salesforce I was not able to import it to generate Apex class.

Can any give me some inputs or some links for service end points which uses 'doucment' type instead of 'rpc'.





I did get the strikeiron IP lookup working in the past at  I found this when I was learning in one of the guides so if you google you might find it in there.


Hope this helps!




I just went down this journey recently, and yes there are lots of "clean up" items and limitiations going the WSDL2APEX path.


I have done a large post on the subject. Please review and comment on as appropriate.




1. WSDL - I would highly suggest using a WSDL/XML tool like Atlova XMLSpy (free trial) to examine the Types that are imported. It will allow you to trim down, and integrate the imported (manually - wish they had a merge - going to post that feature request at Atlova) xsd types, etc. I normally work with Visual Studio or Eclipse and they just couldn't get there. It will show you what is in the namespace and what is imported in the WDSL tab visually by color coding.


      a. WSDL Apex Class creation Limitations

          -Size of final Apex Class - 100K characters
        -Size of WSDL input - 1Meg
          - No Imports and no implied types from defined named spaces if they contain definitions (xsd which ws-security does).
           -No Attributes (xsd which ws-security does).
           -No annotations (xsd which ws-security does).

           -No multipe bindings (which most do 1 and 12)


2. Be prepared to spend some time (read as parse, fix error, rise and repeat) many times

3. Best SF reference I found was Link:

4. In the end, you may find to get it working that the HTTP request and manual soap xml codeup to be the quickest solution to get it running, Twitter and Facebook integrations work this way. It was really faster in the end for me.

5. The post covers both WSDL2APEX and Direct Soap calls via HTTP Request and examples so that you can choose the best option for your integration needs.


Best Regards,



David W. Grigsby
Grigsby Consulting LLC
Intellectual Capital for Your Business
484 East Carmel Drive Suite 390
Carmel, IN 46032