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Dynamic APEX - creating object list at runtime

Hi ,


I have a requirement to add sharing records for all the Account child object. For this i used Describe to get the sharing object for all the Account child objects.


List<Schema.ChildRelationship> childRel = objDef.getChildRelationships();


SO, if i am getting 5 share objects from this, and say 100 child records which needs sharing to be added, how do i create a List for these 5 objects so that i can add these records into the list and use insert.


List<sObject> l = new List<???>();


What should be the correct syntex to create different lists for different objects at runtime. Please suggest.


Thank you!!

I'd like to know this as well......
Message Edited by TehNrd on 04-09-2009 11:08 AM
Ron HessRon Hess

looks like you cannot create a dynamic list.


you can run a query or SOSL string to get a list of objects


List<List <sObject>> myQuery = search.query(SOSL_search_string);





I also came across this problem. Indeed a SOQL or SOSL will return a list of SObject, but a SOQL will throw a QueryException if nothing returns.

Then our List<SObject> will still be null, and it will be impossible to use it.

But a SOSL returning nothing actually instatiates the List:




String searchquery='FIND\'xxx\'IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING '+ objectType +'(name)';List<List<SObject>>searchList=search.query(searchquery);List<SObject> listSkills = searchlist[0];

 Then you can use your list and add the object you want.






I think this is the one thing missing from dynamic apex - the ability to create SObject or SObject lists.


In the ajax toolkit you can use new sforce.SObject(string type), it seems to me like we need a database.create() method and a database.createList() method in Apex - Either passing in a string or, even better, passing in an SObjectType token.  At the moment I have had to create a static createSObject method with lots of if statements that returns different objects depending on what string is passed in - not very nice at all and a pain if I want to add support for additional objects.


Anyone know if there is an idea posted for this functionality?

Although there is a workaround by creating a wrapper object. This would be a great feature. Please VOTE!

Creating SObject List types at runtime:

Creating non-concrete SObject lists: