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Retrieve Parent Campaign : too many sql query


I want to retrieve ultimate parent of each campaign.
--- Campaign1.a

So the ultimate parent of Campaign1.a.1 is Campaign1.

I have developed following code which is working fine in small number of record but if I tried to update bulk records it gives "Too many SQL query" error.

public static String getUltimateParent(String pId) {
        Campaign[] campdata = [Select c.Id,c.ParentId From Campaign c where c.Id = :pId];

        if(campdata.size() > 0) {
            if(campdata[0].ParentId == null) {
                return campdata[0].Id;
            } else {
                return getUltimateParent(campdata[0].ParentId);
        return null;

Any help?

Hello Naishadh,


               It really is a problem. You are not allowed to make more than 100 calls to db at the same time. I came across this problem. What i did is that, I needed 32 fields from the db so i wrote 32 quries (Dynamic) and in each query I got the specific field  and after getting all the fields i merged them in one. Your scenario may be different but you have to do something like I did.



Thanks and Regards


Osman Ashraf Bajwah

Technosoft Solutions.

SalesForce Developer.




Thanks for reply. I need only two fields from campaign but total number of records are almost 5000 and Salesforce dont allow more than 1000 record in list.