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HTTPRequest errors
Hi all-
I'm curious if anybody can help me out here. I'm trying to integrate an exact target xml api, and I'm getting a "Bad Request" when making this call. However, the input string works fine if you post in a browser. Is there something I'm missing? The same code works fine for a different call to the exact target api.
public void addSubscriber() {
// add subscriber to list
// Get the XML document from the external server
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
String inputString = '<exacttarget><authorization><username>myusername</username><password>mypassword</password></authorization><system><system_name>subscriber</system_name><action>add</action><search_type>listid</search_type><search_value>371041</search_value><search_value2></search_value2><values><Email__Address></Email__Address><status>active</status><Full_Name>TESTING 123</Full_Name></values><update>true</update></system></exacttarget>';
HttpResponse res = http.send(req);
// Log the XML content
// Generate the HTTP response as an XML stream
XmlStreamReader reader = res.getXmlStreamReader();
// Read through the XML
while(reader.hasNext()) {
System.debug('Event Type:' + reader.getEventType());
if (reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.START_ELEMENT) {
All Answers
Have you added the Remote Site? Go to Setup->Administration Setup->Security Controls->Remote Site Settings
Detailed in this document too.
Yes, you can find an example in the for Amazon Web Services application.
Here is a snippet:
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(''); req.setMethod('POST'); System.debug('before soap body: ' + soapBody); System.debug('after soap body: ' + soapBody); req.setBody(soapBody); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/soap+xml' ); req.setHeader('SOAPAction',''); System.debug('content length: ' + string.valueof(soapBody.trim().length())); req.setHeader('Content-Length',string.valueof(soapBody.trim().length())); try { Http http = new Http(); System.debug('making S3 request...: ' + req); response = http.send(req);
You will have to encode the endpoint, because you are using speical char in the url.
Your endpoint should look something like this:
Hi cheenath-
When i try to encode the URL i get this error. I haven't been able to find anything in the help files about this error. Any clue what I'm doing wrong?
System.CalloutException: no protocol:
You dont have to encode the protocol and machine part of your url:
Only things after that need to encoded.
Great, thanks! That worked for the GET, but I guess I'll need to make it a POST in order to avoid the URL being truncated. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? It's failing on the http.send with this error.
System.CalloutException: Read timed out
public void addSubscriber() { // add subscriber to list // Get the XML document from the external server Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); String endPointString = ''; String strXML = '<?xml version="1.0"?><exacttarget><authorization><username>myusername</username><password>mypassword</password></authorization><system><system_name>subscriber</system_name><action>add</action><search_type>listid</search_type><search_value>371041</search_value><search_value2></search_value2><values><Email__Address></Email__Address><status>active</status><Full_Name>TESTING 123</Full_Name></values><update>true</update></system></exacttarget>'; endPointString += EncodingUtil.urlEncode(strXML, 'UTF-8'); System.debug(endPointString); req.setEndpoint(endPointString); req.setMethod('POST'); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.setHeader('Content-Length', String.valueOf(endPointString.trim().length())); req.setHeader('Connection', 'close'); HttpResponse res = http.send(req); // Log the XML content System.debug(res.getBody()); // Generate the HTTP response as an XML stream XmlStreamReader reader = res.getXmlStreamReader(); // Read through the XML while(reader.hasNext()) { System.debug('Event Type:' + reader.getEventType()); if (reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.START_ELEMENT) { System.debug(reader.getLocalName()); }; } }
If it is a post then you should send the XML in the HTTP body instead of encoding it into the URL.
To do with you have to call req.setBody(...).