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Display Fields of an Object within a Tab
I'm working with tabbed interfacing and having some difficulty with a feature I would like to implement. After selecting a tab within an instance of an object, I would like to be able to display the fields related to the object represented by the tab. For example, if I have a student object with a "classes" tab, I would like to display the current classes the student is taking (and just links to the other instances of the classes object). Is there any way to implement this feature in SalesForce, using Apex or any other method?
Thanks in advance
Can you tell us what you have done so far, and where you are stuck, so that we can start from there :D
Yes, this feature can be implemented in salesforce, using VisualForce pages with Apex controllers.
If you are really fresh to salesforce, i would like to encourage you to go through the visualforce and apex developer guides ....
Arun ...