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Extract Time from LastModifiedDate

Hi All,


How would I create a formula that extracts the time from a LastModifiedDate field.  For example:


Last Modified By = David Levins, 1/31/2012 9:58 AM

Want Time Stamp formula field to equal "9:58 AM"


Thank you.




Try using the Apex  format method:


String myDate = myDT.format('h:mm a');


(taken from page 274 in the Apex Code Developer's Guide - Winter 12)


Is there a way to use the functionality in a formula field without using Apex?


This will give you the time in the Zulu (GMT) timezone:


MID( TEXT( LastModifiedDate) , 12,8)




Try the below formula


SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(  LastModifiedDate ), TEXT( DATEVALUE( LastModifiedDate)) , '')


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