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Workflow to update field for prior picklist value



I have a status picklist that I would like to track. I created a text field called Previous Status that I would like to display the last status the picklist was set to.


I have a workflow set for to fire when the status changes (ISCHANGED) that is working fine. But my field update is populating the text field with numbers (1-4, the number of values on the picklist).


I know the problem is with the field update formula, but I'm not sure how to fix. Currently the formula is:


PRIORVALUE( Permit_Status__c ) Which I know is wrong.


Has anyone done this before?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try the following in the Field Update:


All Answers


Try the following in the Field Update:


This was selected as the best answer

Worked like a charm!! Thanks for your help!

Yi  Tan 14Yi Tan 14
my field need to be updated in workflow rule is a picklist value, I can only select picklist value as new value. I can't find a place to edit formula as the new value. Can you help? Thanks!