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Substitute function help

AND(SUBSTITUTE(Assumptions__c , "~", "<br />"),
SUBSTITUTE(Assumptions__c, "^", "<li>"))

 Is it possible to have more than 1 substitute function in a field update?  I can get one of them to update, but not both. 



Try the below formula:
if( CONTAINS(Assumptions__c , '~') , SUBSTITUTE(Assumptions__c, "~", "<br />"),
if(CONTAINS(Assumptions__c, '^') , SUBSTITUTE(Assumptions__c, "^", "<li>")," "))


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 




I tried the update.  It did the <br /> as intended, but it wouldn't pick up the second substitiution for the "^".