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Tyler D.ax299Tyler D.ax299 

Preventing duplicate records in a detail table of a Master-Detail type relationship

I need to create a trigger to prevent duplicate records in the Detail table of a custom Master-Detail type relationship.  One field, called Name, must be unique for all records in the Detail record collection for each Master record. Thus, the trigger must prevent duplicate records for 2 fields, the Name field plus the Id of the Master record.  In the Cookbook, page 118, there is an example, but it is for a single field and I don't understand how to modify it for 2 fields. Can anyone help?



Message Edited by Tyler D on 04-08-2009 09:10 AM

Tyler --


If I understand you right, you are checking only that must be unique for a given


Your trigger should be written as a before update, before insert on Detail__c.  This trigger has access to the field.  However, if you are following the bulk trigger idiom, you could potentially need to check uniqueness on three Detail records in one trigger invocation for:


  • detail name='foo' on master id=1
  • detail name='fie' on master id=4
  • detail name='foo' on master id=8


You'll need several passes:


Step 1- fetch all the's belonging to each triggered Detail__c record (in Put in a set.


Step 2- fetch into a List all Detail__c where Detail__c.master__c IN :<set built from step 1>. In my example above, this fetches all three records into the List.


Step 3 Reloop back through and for each Detail__c, scan the  Step #2 List to see if for the current iterator Detail__c's, there are any Detail__c.Name in the List that match.


There are cleverer ways to do this such as replacing the List with a Map of <ID,List<Detail__c> which makes step3 more efficient.


You also need to be sure to not include in step 1 any Detail__c whose Name didn't change in the trigger (check Trigger.oldMap versus Trigger.newMap).