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Formula to show last modified date for a particular user?

We have a process that runs under a "dummy admin user" and it will periodically makes updates to a record.  We want to be able to more easily track when the latest change from this user was made (and potentially generate workflow rules, etc from this field).  What I am thinking of doing is just to have a field that whenever the "Last Modified" field is updated as being related to this particular user . . . . the field "Last Modified by X" field would show that last modified date.  Is that possible?  If so, how would that formula be written?


Here is maybe a better example of the thing I am hoping to do.  "User X" makes a modification to a Lead and so the Last Modified By field shows "User X 4/8/2009".  I am hoping to have a field called Last Modified by User x that would show 4/8/2009.  That way we can have a view/report/workflow that can work off that field.  The reason we want this is that other users could make updates to the records after User X and they become hard to find.  With the formula field, we can easily see Leads this week/month that User X modifed.

Venkat PolisettVenkat Polisett

If you are looking for who changed what field then enable history tracking on that field. You can get the history information from filed history attached to that object.


If you just want to know whenever that admin dummy user changes the lead then you need to add two custom fields, one for the user name and one for the date time last modified. Wireup a work flow with evaluation criteria "every time a record is created or modified" and rule criteria with a formula that returns true: LastModifiedBy.Alias == 'admindummy'.


Add two field updates to update those custome fileds.


Thanks, Vencat . . . it's more like the 2nd scenario.  We want to just easily note when this specific user makes a change.  I suppose I could use just one field and name it accordingly--then just update the date.  I know it sounds weird because there is Field History Tracing, bt the way we'll want o use the field is on Views and standard reports (anywhere a custom field can be included) so I don't want to restrict users to a History Report.


Appreciate your feedback.