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Convert 15 digit ID to 18
Hey guys,
needed a way to convert from a 15 digit ID to an 18 digit one.
Found the javascript version for just such an action here:
tried to make my own apex version but the last digit keeps coming out wrong. Any Ideas?
String id = '001Q0000002NXad'; //a sample id
String suffix = '';
for(integer i=0;i<3;i++){
Integer flags = 0;
for(integer j=0;j<5;j++){
String c = id.substring(i*5+j,i*5+j+1);
if(c >= 'A' && c <='Z'){
flags += 1 << j;
if (flags <= 25) {
suffix += 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.substring(flags,flags+1);
}else suffix += '012345'.substring(flags-26,flags-26+1);
System.debug('18-DIGIT:'+Id + suffix);
Did you have a look in salesforce help? It doesn't provide apex code, but it does have an algorithm in English. Search for "18 character ID", or click here.
There's also a python module in an open source project called pyax (written by my colleague), which you may find helpful. You can find pyax.sobject.util.id_15_to_18 at launchpad.
If you write working apex code, please do publish it back here; I'm sure many others would benefit.
astro, your code is in a code box, but it's all mangled anyway. I was having that problem, using Safari 3 on OSX, and found that if I switch to Firefox, it works.
I wonder if Salesforce has changed something recently that is causing a bad interaction with Safari, because I don't recall this happening last week (tho I was using Safari 4 last week).
Here's the VBA macro from the connector that should help:
Function FixID(InID As String) As StringDim InChars As String, InI As Integer, InUpper As StringDim InCnt As IntegerInChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345"InUpper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"InCnt = 0For InI = 15 To 1 Step -1 InCnt = 2 * InCnt + Sgn(InStr(1, InUpper, Mid(InID, InI, 1), vbBinaryCompare)) If InI Mod 5 = 1 Then FixID = Mid(InChars, InCnt + 1, 1) + FixID InCnt = 0 End If Next InI FixID = InID + FixIDEnd Function
Let's try that in Firefox:
Function FixID(InID As String) As String If Len(InID) = 18 Then FixID = InID Exit Function End If Dim InChars As String, InI As Integer, InUpper As String Dim InCnt As Integer InChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345" InUpper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" InCnt = 0 For InI = 15 To 1 Step -1 InCnt = 2 * InCnt + Sgn(InStr(1, InUpper, Mid(InID, InI, 1), vbBinaryCompare)) If InI Mod 5 = 1 Then FixID = Mid(InChars, InCnt + 1, 1) + FixID InCnt = 0 End If Next InI FixID = InID + FixID End Function
thank's guys for all your responses, and code snippets, I will try and fix my code based on what snippets you gave me.
And I tried looking for the algorithm in the salesforce released materials but couldn't find it, I'll try again.
*just noticed the link you put up shikibu thank's for that.
It's annoying me because it's just the last digit that is off lol
I'll definitely post it up on the code share when I get it going.
Thank's again
*also i re-posted the code again in ffox, sorry about it not being readable before.
not sure of any way to do something such as this in salesforce which is why I don't think I can find it.
Salesforce treats lowercase and uppercase char's equally. meaning they hold the same value, weather htat's ascii or not, i'm not sure. Strings and Integer's do not mix in this world
I can't seem to find a way obtain the ascii value for a string.
Am I missing something here or can this not be done with apex?
my previous code was failing on the if( c >='A' && c <='Z') part because uppercase or lower it was always true
shikibu: yes I have tried toUppercase toLowercase no difference sadly
sure I'll back up and explain the use case:
doing an integration from one system to another and one of the values being passed from the outside system are SFDC ID's. They iwll be sending both 15 and 18 digit id's so I need a way of converting them all to 18 or 15 and having my logic to the rest of the work based on that standard.
Hope that helps.
also tried Integer.valueOf(''); but that only works for strings that contain numbers.
In that case, you don't need to do anything.
ID id18 = '50020000003Oh54AAC'; ID id15 = '50020000003Oh54'; system.debug( id18 == id15 ); 20090502235841.353:AnonymousBlock: line 4, column 1: true
I believe that the extra three characters are check digits, a kind of error correction for systems (some Microsoft product?) that is case-insensitive, while Salesforce object IDs require upper and lower case in the first 15 characters.
In any case, as long as you declare the type as ID, rather than String, ids that refer to the same object will compare equal, whether they are 15 or 18 characters.
If this is inaccurate, I'm sure Simon will be able to provide a better answer.
ahh excellent. There was a particular reason why I moved all my ID's to Strings but I forget, I'll rework my code to fit with ID's and work around it since it's better than what I'm current ly doing, (checking the string size and cutting it down to only 15 if it's 18 ..which actually may not work all the time if the cases are off.
Thank's for the insight and quick response I truly appreciate it!
Yes very good point, I have told them to be aware of this.
argh integrations :)
Hi Astro,
Did you get find a solution to how to convert 15 digit IDs to 18?
I almost didn't believe it myself but this works.
private String idsTo18(String initialVal) {
if (initialVal.length() != 15) return initialVal;
ID convertToLong = initialVal;
String longId = convertToLong;
return longId;
My need for this function is when you build a SOQL query string for execution, the string is case insensitive. If I have 15-character IDs I can get too many hits.
Standing on the shoulders of giants, I wrote this for the fun of it:
I make no guarantees, but it seems to work in my quick-and-dirty tests.
Did you ever consider creating an according formula field instead? You can easily add this to reports and export case-insensitive IDs to any app that needs them (e.g. Excel or Access). Look up for details.
Hope this helps,
Would it help if you could export the IDs into a Google Spreadsheet and convert them there?
Here is a help article describing how to convert 15 to 18 digit salesforce ids in google spreadsheets. It's designed to be very easy so any user can do it.
Hehe, I like that solution! Works fine for me too! ;)
Hi - You can use this web page to do a quick a convert for a single record.
If I download my data from Sales Force and make changes. How do I upload using Apex data loader to upload the revised data?
I need a quick and easy solution. thanks
Why not just assing the ID to a string. Salesforce does the conversion for you:
String a = Account.ID;
Bam, a = the 18 chr id
Um, Just upsert the data back using dataloader
Pure java version, in case anyone ever needed it (props @astro and @AndyH47):
In case anyone needs this inside sql server, which I did, here's the function I wrote:
Here is a javascript version, I use it on one of my utility pages, and it can be used from within the "Inspect Element" at any time:
A proper SQL Server version should have set-based logic instead of a bunch of WHILE loops. Here is my version.
So, I know this is an old thread but I would thought I'd lend some quick insight on the original question...
As developers, we often times have a tendancy to make things a bit more complicated than they need to be. If you have a String that needs to represent an Id (18char proper), simply run:
Debug the properId and you will see that SFDC converts the String to 18char Id for you. You can then use String.valueOf() if you need to back-in to String primitive again.
You can try this
String FifteenDigit = 'a0390000009ooJG';
Id EighteenDigit = FifteenDigit;
ALTER proc [dbo].[SF_15_to_18]
--Populates @SF18VarName on @tablename with 18 char SFID from @SF15VarName
@tablename varchar(250) ,
@SF15VarName varchar(250),
@SF18VarName varchar(250)
/*Example Call Up:
Execute [dbo].[SF_15_to_18]
@tablename = '[dbo].[CHC_Accounts_20140818_RVM]'
,@SF15VarName = '[Salesforce ID]'
,@SF18VarName = 'SF18'
'select *
, CAST('''' AS varchar(1)) as CharHolder
, CAST('''' AS varchar(18)) as SF18
, 0 as InCnt
, 0 as InStrReturn
into #temp from ' + @tablename+
alter table #temp
add CharHolder varchar(1)
,SF18 varchar(18)
,InCnt int
,InStrReturn int
update #temp
set CharHolder = '''', SF18 = '''', InCnt = 0, InStrReturn = 0
DECLARE @InI int=15
update #temp
set CharHolder = SUBSTRING([Salesforce id], @InI, 1)
DECLARE @InUpperChars int=1
update #temp
set InStrReturn = 0
update #temp
set InStrReturn = case when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,1,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,2,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,3,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,4,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,5,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,6,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,7,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,8,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,9,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,10,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,11,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,12,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,13,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,14,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,15,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,16,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,17,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,18,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,19,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,20,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,21,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,22,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,23,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,24,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,25,1)) then 1
when CONVERT(binary,CharHolder)=CONVERT(binary,substring(@InUpper,26,1)) then 1 else InStrReturn end
update #temp
SET InCnt = 2 * InCnt + InStrReturn
If (@InI % 5) = 1
update #temp
SET SF18 = SUBSTRING(@InChars, InCnt + 1, 1) + SF18
update #temp
SET InCnt = 0
set @InI = @InI - 1
alter table #temp
add sf15 varchar(15)
update #temp
set sf15 = '+ @SF15VarName+'
update #temp
SET SF18=SF15+SF18
update '+ @tablename+'
set '+@SF18VarName+' = b.SF18
from '+ @tablename+' a
inner join #temp b on (a.'+@SF15VarName+' = b.'+@SF15VarName+')
We just need to declare a variable of type Id and then assign the 15 digit number to that variable.
String s15DigitLeadId = '00Q0o00001OoyzD'; //Assume this is record Id of Lead of 15 digits
Id i18DigitId = s15DigitLeadId;
system.debug('Eight Digit Id:'+i18DigitId);
If you want to do ad-hoc conversions of Id's, rather than programatically, then this Chrome extension makes it easy:
FYI - I'm the developer. Please use the feedback form on the app if you'd like to suggest any improvements or additional functionality.
Taken From
(sf15Id as any) => let
Source = sf15Id,
#"tab" = #table(1, {{Source}}),
#"cb1" = Table.AddColumn(#"tab", "cb1", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],0,1)) then 1 else 0),
#"cb2" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb1", "cb2", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],1,1)) then 2 else 0),
#"cb3" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb2", "cb3", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],2,1)) then 4 else 0),
#"cb4" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb3", "cb4", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],3,1)) then 8 else 0),
#"cb5" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb4", "cb5", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],4,1)) then 16 else 0),
#"char16" = Table.AddColumn(cb5, "char16", each Text.Middle("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345", [cb1]+[cb2]+[cb3]+[cb4]+[cb5], 1)),
#"cb6" = Table.AddColumn(#"char16", "cb6", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],5,1)) then 1 else 0),
#"cb7" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb6", "cb7", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],6,1)) then 2 else 0),
#"cb8" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb7", "cb8", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],7,1)) then 4 else 0),
#"cb9" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb8", "cb9", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],8,1)) then 8 else 0),
#"cb10" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb9", "cb10", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],9,1)) then 16 else 0),
#"char17" = Table.AddColumn(cb10, "char17", each Text.Middle("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345", [cb6]+[cb7]+[cb8]+[cb9]+[cb10], 1)),
#"cb11" = Table.AddColumn(#"char17", "cb11", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],10,1)) then 1 else 0),
#"cb12" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb11", "cb12", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],11,1)) then 2 else 0),
#"cb13" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb12", "cb13", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],12,1)) then 4 else 0),
#"cb14" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb13", "cb14", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],13,1)) then 8 else 0),
#"cb15" = Table.AddColumn(#"cb14", "cb15", each if Text.Contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Text.Middle([Column1],14,1)) then 16 else 0),
#"char18" = Table.AddColumn(cb15, "char18", each Text.Middle("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345", [cb11]+[cb12]+[cb13]+[cb14]+[cb15], 1)),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(char18, "sf18id", each [Column1]&[char16]&[char17]&[char18]),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Added Custom",{"sf18id"})
#"Removed Other Columns"