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Workflow Rule help

Does anyone know if there is a way to write an and/or rule to check for multiple values on a multi select picklist in a case workflow?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You can try the below formula as reference:


SUBSTITUTE( TRIM( IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 1" ) , "Value 1", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 2" ) , "Value 2", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 3" ) , "Value 3", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 4" ) , "Value 4", "__") ) , "__", ";")


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 

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You can try the below formula as reference:


SUBSTITUTE( TRIM( IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 1" ) , "Value 1", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 2" ) , "Value 2", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 3" ) , "Value 3", "__") &

IF( INCLUDES( Account.Multiselect_Picklist__c , "Value 4" ) , "Value 4", "__") ) , "__", ";")


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 

This was selected as the best answer



I am trying to create a workflow rule that triggers a task (reminder) to the account owner. If no activities have taken place within the last 180 days, a reminder should be sent to the account owner. In order to satisfy the criterias, the account should belong to "D2D" (picklist) and Segmentation "D" (value field). These things I have solved using the following formula:


AND( ISPICKVAL(Customer_Group__c, "D2D"), Segmentation__c = "C", LastActivityDate   <= (today() + 180))


However, I also want the account owner to receive the reminder on a Mondays only (all other days should be defaulted to next coming Monday). If possible I would also like to put in an exception for vacation days: July 15 to Aug 30 and Dec 22 to Jan 1. Would this be possible to integrate with my workflow rule?


I would really appreciate your help!