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How to call APEX code in a custom button



here is the case :


I want to include a new custom button which call an APEX method that will create maybe more than 100 objects linked to the object we currently seeing.

As you can see I have some difficulties to do it with an APEX trigger because governor limits.


So the solution should be to create this objects by the user with a simple button on the layout.


Can you help ?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



To call a Apex class method from a button you need to define the method as "webservice".


You can call the method by using Ajax toolkit.


Below is the sample code.


Apex code:


global class class1{
WebService static Integer method1(String iTitle){


Your logic here





Custom button code:



var result = sforce.apex.execute("class1", "method1",{iTitle : noteTitle});


Hope it helps.



All Answers




To call a Apex class method from a button you need to define the method as "webservice".


You can call the method by using Ajax toolkit.


Below is the sample code.


Apex code:


global class class1{
WebService static Integer method1(String iTitle){


Your logic here





Custom button code:



var result = sforce.apex.execute("class1", "method1",{iTitle : noteTitle});


Hope it helps.



This was selected as the best answer

it sounds really good !


I wonder this kind of solution but now you confirm it's definitely the 1st solution that come in mind.


Thanks !


Do you have any good references for documentation on this?  I could set this up using a trigger, but I would prefer not to if possible.  I assume just look for 'webservice' references, but if there is a specific source that talks on this, please post.....

