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Trigger on Case - Error when Owner is a Queue



I have a trigger (before insert, before update) to update some number fields. The field to update depends on the case owner role. This is the code that is getting the error:



for (Case { Case oldCase = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(updatedCase.Id); User usr = [select Id,UserRoleId from User where Id =:oldCase.OwnerId]; UserRole role = [select Id,Name from UserRole where Id =:usr.UserRoleId];

 Is errors when the owner is a Queue. Is there a easy way to solve this?







Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I would agree witw micwa, you should filter when the user is a user type(005) or when not equal to queue type (00G).

You have another issue with your coding.  You have 2 SOQL statements inside of a for loop, this is likely to give you max query governor errors.

You should refactor your code to do one query  and a Map to store and reference the data.

Lastly, you can use a relationship query to get the role name from a user query.


This query can get both for you:


select Id,UserRoleId, from User where Id =:oldCase.OwnerId




All Answers


Prefix User: 005

Prefix Group (Queue): 00G


So whenever your ownerId starts with OOG you know that this is a queue and there's no entry in the user table.


I would agree witw micwa, you should filter when the user is a user type(005) or when not equal to queue type (00G).

You have another issue with your coding.  You have 2 SOQL statements inside of a for loop, this is likely to give you max query governor errors.

You should refactor your code to do one query  and a Map to store and reference the data.

Lastly, you can use a relationship query to get the role name from a user query.


This query can get both for you:


select Id,UserRoleId, from User where Id =:oldCase.OwnerId




This was selected as the best answer

I'm having issues with my code because of those queries inside the FOR loop (too mayn queries when I do mass update on cases). But I havent found a solution for this... I have a custom object to store user roles ids + queue ids. Then in my trigger I must check if the case owner role is store in the custom object (to update some fields). 


I must iterate over each triggered case to get the case owner id. With the ID I get the role. How can I not break the query limit?


I'm sure there's a way but I'm quite puzzled at the moment. 


Thanks for any help.




Message Edited by MiguelGuerreiro on 08-07-2009 03:51 PM

solution: create two arrays outside the loop...