function readOnly(count){ }
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Hi All,I want three fields should be mendatory once the Stage(picklist) is declined. These three fields are of type Lookup,Text and Number.
Try the below validation rule:
if( ISPICKVAL(Stage__c , 'Declined/Dead'),
if(Source_Company__c <> null,
if( text(EBIT__c) <> null,
if(Source_Name__c <> null,
Here Stage__c is picklist, Source_Company__c is lookup, EBIT__c is number and Source_Name__c is of text type.
Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
Here is the validation rule-
AND( ISPICKVAL( PickList__c , 'Declined') ,OR ( ISBLANK( number__c )<>false, Lookup__c =null, ISBLANK( TextField__c )=true))
Try the below validation rule:
if( ISPICKVAL(Stage__c , 'Declined/Dead'),
if(Source_Company__c <> null,
if( text(EBIT__c) <> null,
if(Source_Name__c <> null,
Here Stage__c is picklist, Source_Company__c is lookup, EBIT__c is number and Source_Name__c is of text type.
Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
Here is the validation rule-
AND( ISPICKVAL( PickList__c , 'Declined') ,
OR ( ISBLANK( number__c )<>false, Lookup__c =null, ISBLANK( TextField__c )=true)