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Separating the email alert

Hi there,


I would like to know is it possible to  specify to whom  an  email  alert sends to, here's the scenario to make it clear what exaclty I want:


I've got a custom object A, say there are two records related to the  Object A, record  AA  and record AB


Employee A  is related to record  AA

Employee B  is related to record  AB


Now the Obect A has email alerts tiggered when certain criteria  is met, maybe status update, so if the record AA is updated and the email for the record AA is trigerred basically it should be sent only to Employee A and does not go to Employee B, but what I have noticed is that it goes to both of the employees inbox, regardless of the sharing access that is set. 



Can someone please help me on this.


Regards and thanks in advance,



I am not sure I understand your logic. Records AA and AB are of a different object than Object A correct? Is the workflow rule created on Object A or the object that records AA and AB are from?


Also, can you please provide all of the details of your workflow rule/ email alert that you currently have setup that is sending the email to both employees? What is the Evaluation Criteria, Run Criteria, etc?



Yes I think I pointed it wrong, the workflow is on the objects that records AA and AB are from


the workflow triggers an email when its due time to pay the rent. Assuming that the record AA has reached the time to pay the rent and email is sent to employee A, and should not go to employee B.


In the email recpeints list, its assigned according to roles, Operator technician and Operator Admin. Both the employees are set as Operator technician.


Thus during the testing both of the employees are getting the mail, as its being sent I guess because of the Roles and I dont want that I need the employee related to the record only to get the mail


I hope this clarifies my situation


Regards and thanks in advance



Can you just copy and paste your workflow rule here so I can see it?


Also, if your email alert is set to send to a Role and both users are in the same Role, you cannot send to one and not the other. It sounds like you need email alerts directed at specific users vs. roles. That way, when a workflow triggers, the action is an email to a specific user, not a group of users in a Role.


So is there a way I can the emails tigger  directed at specific users vs. roles


We have two instances of an object with different access rights.


For e.g: The first instance of Object A (say A1) is assigned access to User 1 via sharing rules and

second instance Object A (say A2) is assigned access to User 2 via sharing rules.


Now if an event happens on Object A (say when it is saved or value changes) we need a generic enough way to conditionally send an email to either User 1 or 2 based on who is assigned access dynamically.


We could have 20 different instances of Object A assigned to 20 different users and the emails need to go to that specific user. We are giving organizations the ability to dynamically create instances so emails should follow access rights.


Right now, if we use a role it sends emails to all users. We cant assign users to the email list because both the instances and the users are created dynamically during usage.


Regards and thanks in advance





Are the users the owners of the records? If so, you can set the email alert to be sent to the record owner.


No they are not owner of the records but they are given access to the record according to the requirement of their respective roles




Regards and thanks in advance



Then you will not be able to achieve what you want to occur. The sharing rule does not give you access to specifying a user to send the email to.. In order to do that the user must be the record owner, record creator, or be a related user.


Another option would be to separate the users into their own Roles (one user to one role) and then send your email alerts based on Role.