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update contact reference field on case

I have a trigger that I am firing on cases before update.  After the contacts are created, I am trying to update the contact lookup (reference) field on the case.


Here is what I am trying:


trigger InsertCaseContact on Case (before update) { //Create a new list for caseIds List<Id> caseIds = new List<Id>{}; //Loop through the Cases we're adding and build a list of Ids for(Case cas: caseIds.add(cas.Id); List<Contact> addContacts = new List<Contact>(); // Loop through the array of Cases. for(Case{ if (cas.SuppliedName != null) { addContacts.add(new Contact (LastName = cas.SuppliedName, Email = cas.SuppliedEmail, Phone = cas.SuppliedPhone, Email_ExtID__c = cas.SuppliedEmail)); } } upsert addContacts Email_ExtID__c; // loop thru contacts to retrieve contact ids List<Contact> newContacts = new List<Contact>(); for (Contact c: addContacts) { newContacts.add(c); } List<Case> cases = new List<Case>{}; for (Case c : { c.ContactId = newContacts.Id; cases.add(c); } update cases; }


Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST:SOBJECT:Contact


How can I update the contact reference field in the cases with with the list of new contacts?


Thanks for any help.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

// Create list of cases of the trigger

    List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();


// Loop through the cases and add to list

    for(Case c :



 //Now in the last section do the changes

    for(Integer i=0; i<newcontact.size(); i++)


       Case c1 = caese.get(i);

       c1.contactId = newcontact[i] .Id;


All Answers

On what line number ?

It occurs in the very last loop in the trigger:


for (Case c : { c.ContactId = newContacts.Id; cases.add(c); }




On this line:


c.ContactId = newContacts.Id;

Because newContacts is a list of contacts, not a contact itself. (and for a before trigger, there's no need to call update, just update the collection, and those values will go on to the db.

I cannot get the before insert trigger to update the contact (reference field) on the case to update in my trigger.  I tried an after insert and the record is read only so that did not work either.


Here are both triggers that I attempted.  Maybe someone can point out how I can accomplish this?


Before insert trigger:


trigger InsertCaseContact on Case (before insert) { //Create a new list for caseIds List<Id> caseIds = new List<Id>{}; //Loop through the Cases we're adding and build a list of Ids for(Case cas: caseIds.add(cas.Id); List<Contact> addContacts = new List<Contact>(); // Loop through the array of Cases. for(Case{ if (cas.SuppliedName != null) { addContacts.add(new Contact (LastName = cas.SuppliedName, Email = cas.SuppliedEmail, Phone = cas.SuppliedPhone, Email_ExtID__c = cas.SuppliedEmail)); } } upsert addContacts Email_ExtID__c; // loop thru contacts to retrieve contact ids //Set<Id> ConIds = new Set<Id>(); List<Contact> newContacts = new List<Contact>(); for (Contact c: addContacts) { newContacts.add(c); } List<Case> cases = new List<Case>{}; for (Case c : { for (Integer i=0; i < newContacts.size(); i++) { c.ContactId = newContacts[i].Id; } } }



After insert trigger:


trigger InsertCaseContact on Case (after insert) { //Create a new list for caseIds List<Id> caseIds = new List<Id>{}; //Loop through the Cases we're adding and build a list of Ids for(Case cas: caseIds.add(cas.Id); List<Contact> addContacts = new List<Contact>(); // Loop through the array of Cases. for(Case{ if (cas.SuppliedName != null) { addContacts.add(new Contact (LastName = cas.SuppliedName, Email = cas.SuppliedEmail, Phone = cas.SuppliedPhone, Email_ExtID__c = cas.SuppliedEmail)); } } upsert addContacts Email_ExtID__c; // loop thru contacts to retrieve contact ids //Set<Id> ConIds = new Set<Id>(); List<Contact> newContacts = new List<Contact>(); for (Contact c: addContacts) { newContacts.add(c); } List<Case> cases = new List<Case>{}; for (Case c : { for (Integer i=0; i < newContacts.size(); i++) { c.ContactId = newContacts[i].Id; cases.add(c); } } update (cases); }


Is the reason the before insert does not work is because I'm creating new contacts and then trying to add those ids into a case that hasn't been created yet?


Is there a solution?


// Create list of cases of the trigger

    List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();


// Loop through the cases and add to list

    for(Case c :



 //Now in the last section do the changes

    for(Integer i=0; i<newcontact.size(); i++)


       Case c1 = caese.get(i);

       c1.contactId = newcontact[i] .Id;


This was selected as the best answer