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Multi Select Picklist and APEX and Visualforce
We have a visualforce page with 3 multi select picklists for the user to select from. We construct the search query in the controller and 'includes', but we get the following error on submission:
System.QueryException: expecting a left parentheses, found ':'
Class.searchContact.doSearch: line 175, column 21 External entry point
Here is the code for the controller:
public class searchContact {
public String API { get; set; }
public String apiSessionId {get;set;}
public String apiServerURL {get;set;}
string selectedrating;
string searchString;
string recType = 'Candidate';
string[] grades;
string[] specialities;
string[] locations;
string gmcreg;
string segment;
boolean w4f;
boolean hotdoc;
List<Contact> results;
private final Contact contact;
public searchContact() {
contact = [SELECT Id, LastName, FirstName, Salutation, Name, MobilePhone, LastModifiedDate, LastActivityDate, a__Rating__c, Doc_Rating__c,
GMC_reg__c, Grade_s__c, Hot_doc__c, Locations__c, Nationality__c, Speciality__c, Worked_4_Fresh__c, Avail_W_E__c,
Avail_F_T__c, Avail_from__c, Avail_Updated__c, Segment__c, Job_Ends__c, Current__c, Account.Type, RecordType.Name,
RecordType.Description, Owner.Username, Owner.LastName, Owner.FirstName, LastModifiedBy.Username, LastModifiedBy.LastName,
LastModifiedBy.FirstName FROM Contact where RecordType.Name='Candidate' limit 1];
public Contact getContact() {
return contact;
public String[] getGrades() {
if (contact.Grade_s__c == null || contact.Grade_s__c == '') {
//apexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Please select one or more grade first.'));
grades = null;
grades = contact.Grade_s__c.split(';',0);
return grades;
public String[] getSpecialities() {
if (contact.Speciality__c == null || contact.Speciality__c == '') {
specialities = null;
specialities = contact.Speciality__c.split(';',0);
return specialities;
public String[] getLocations() {
if (contact.Locations__c == null || contact.Locations__c == '') {
locations= null;
locations= contact.Locations__c.split(';',0);
return locations;
public String getSegment() {
if (contact.Segment__c == null || contact.Segment__c == '') {
segment= null;
segment= contact.Segment__c;
return segment;
public String getGMCReg() {
if (contact.GMC_reg__c == null || contact.GMC_reg__c == '') {
gmcreg= null;
gmcreg= contact.GMC_reg__c;
return gmcreg;
public List<SelectOption> getItems() {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
options.add(new SelectOption('0','--None--'));
options.add(new SelectOption('1','1'));
options.add(new SelectOption('2','2'));
options.add(new SelectOption('3','3'));
options.add(new SelectOption('4','4'));
//options.add(new SelectOption('5','5'));
return options;
public String getSelectedRating() {
return selectedrating;
public void setSelectedRating(String selectedrating) {
this.selectedrating = selectedrating;
public Boolean getW4F() {
w4f = contact.Worked_4_Fresh__c;
return w4f ;
public Boolean getHotDoc() {
hotdoc= contact.Hot_doc__c;
return hotdoc;
public List<Contact> getResults() {
return results;
public PageReference doSearch() {
searchString = 'SELECT Grade_s__c, Speciality__c, Locations__c, Segment__c, GMC_reg__c, a__Rating__c, Worked_4_Fresh__c, Contact_Link__c, Id, Name, LastName, FirstName, MobilePhone, Doc_Rating__c, Current__c, Hot_doc__c, Avail_F_T__c, Avail_W_E__c, Avail_from__c, Job_Ends__c, Avail_Updated__c, LastModifiedBy.Username, LastModifiedDate, Owner.Username, LastActivityDate, Nationality__c FROM Contact where RecordType.Name=:recType';
if (grades != null && grades.size() > 0) {
searchString += ' and Grade_s__c includes :grades';
if (specialities!= null && specialities.size() > 0) {
searchString += ' and Speciality__c includes :specialities';
if (locations!= null && locations.size() > 0) {
searchString += ' and Locations__c includes :locations';
if (segment!= null) {
searchString += ' and Segment__c = :segment';
if (gmcreg!= null) {
searchString += ' and GMC_reg__c = :gmcreg';
if (selectedrating != null && selectedrating != '0') {
searchString += ' and Doc_Rating__c = :selectedrating';
if (w4f != false) {
searchString += ' and Worked_4_Fresh__c = :w4f';
if (hotdoc != false) {
searchString += ' and Hot_doc__c = :hotdoc';
apexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, searchString));
results = Database.query(searchString);
if (results.size() == 0) {
apexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Sorry, no results for current selected criteria'));
apexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Count : '+ results.size()));
return null;
public PageReference doSend() {
return null;
Please Help!!
Try this syntax instead of the ":" notation:
searchString += ' and GMC_reg__c =\''+gmcreg+'\'';
Remember to escape your single quotes just in case!
gmcreg = string.escapeSingleQuotes (gmcreg);