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Putting a varible into a where clause
I would like to use a variable to define the where clause in a query.
I have defined a variable SLName with:
SLName=[select id, LastName, spouse_last_name__c from contact
where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')].spouse_last_name__c;
How do I make something like the following work?
public Contact getSpouseCon(){
if(iscon == null)iscon = [
select FirstName, LastName, spouse_converted__c from contact where Lastname = SLName];iscon.spouse_converted__c = SLName; //SLName value set properly
return iscon;
I am trying to see if a contact exists with the LastName = SLName.
Thanks, Mark
Not sure if I understand what your problem is, but does this help:
iscon = [select FirstName, LastName, spouse_converted__c from contact where Lastname = :SLName];
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Not sure if I understand what your problem is, but does this help:
iscon = [select FirstName, LastName, spouse_converted__c from contact where Lastname = :SLName];
Fantastic, that does exactly what I wanted to do. Why couldn't I find an example of this is the APEX documention? It seems like something a lot of people would want to do.
Could you tell me more about how the colon is functioning?
Also, how do I count the number of records returned from my query?