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roll-up on formula field


I have detail object with formula field RokNow (Number) =YEAR( TODAY() )

I want to use RokNow field on roll-up sum but RokNow field does not appear on the list of field to aggergate on master object.


did anybody  faced similar  problem ?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

First thing the formula field we can't able do that roll-up


Only way to roll-up the formula field is it must and should referenced to the Another Number field or Currency field.


But your writng the Formula Here , Your are not referencing any Field.


So Roll-up doesn't calculate that formula.




All Answers



I have tested it It's coming. There is no problm

May be you have done some mistake


-> create master detail

--> create child formula field with Number Type. 

-->Goto parant object crate Roll-up field It will appear by selecting on child object

-->goto sum radio type , Then it will appear


It will







did you use YEAR( TODAY() ) in formula field?


Now i have tested that Date also


It does not giving , Why Because , By default it takes the data type as Date.

I mean the the formula field reference to where ,,,,  That's what only it consider.

So doesn't return that.





but YEAR is type NUMBER, not Date


First thing the formula field we can't able do that roll-up


Only way to roll-up the formula field is it must and should referenced to the Another Number field or Currency field.


But your writng the Formula Here , Your are not referencing any Field.


So Roll-up doesn't calculate that formula.




This was selected as the best answer

thank you for  replies. you are right