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Constructing <selectOption> dynamically

Hi all,


I am trying to construct a <selectOption> dynamically by reading the values from a custom object which will be displayed in VF page.


Here is my code:



public List<SelectOption> getZipList () { List<SelectOption> zipList = new List<SelectOption>(); List<Zip_List__c> zipListObj= new List<Zip_List__c>(); zipListObj = [Select Name From Zip_List__c]; for (integer i=0;i<zipListObj.size;i++) { zipList.add(new SelectOption(zipListObj[i],zipListObj[i])); } }

 When I try to save the controller, it throws:


 Error: Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [System.SelectOption].<Constructor>(SOBJECT:Zip_List__c, SOBJECT:Zip_List__c)


If I hardcode the values in " zipList.add(new SelectOption(zipListObj[i],zipListObj[i])); ", it is working fine for me,


Please advice. 


Thanks in Advance


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Here's a code snippet that might help:



public List<SelectOption> getLevel1Items() { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); options.add(new SelectOption('','-- Choose a Group --')); for (Service_Group__c g : [select Id, Name, Grp_ID__c from Service_Group__c Order By Name]) { options.add(new SelectOption(g.Id,g.Grp_ID__c+' - '+g.Name)); } return options; }




 Jeff Douglas

Appirio, Inc. 


All Answers


Here's a code snippet that might help:



public List<SelectOption> getLevel1Items() { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); options.add(new SelectOption('','-- Choose a Group --')); for (Service_Group__c g : [select Id, Name, Grp_ID__c from Service_Group__c Order By Name]) { options.add(new SelectOption(g.Id,g.Grp_ID__c+' - '+g.Name)); } return options; }




 Jeff Douglas

Appirio, Inc. 


This was selected as the best answer


Here's a code snippet i used similar to your last post.

But i am getting a error as "Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: options.add(System.SelectOption) at line 9 column 11"


public class picklistTest
    public List<SelectOption> getOptions2()
        List<SelectOption> retVal = new List<SelectOption>();
        retVal.add(new SelectOption('','-- Choose a Group --'));        
        for(Period a : [Select Id, type, Number, CALENDAR_YEAR(StartDate) s from Period where Id in (Select PeriodId from ForecastingQuota)])
          options.add(new SelectOption(a.Id,a.type+' - '+a.Number));                 
        return retVal;


Please help me.





I found the error in my code snippet

Thanks for your help

B. Wade LovellB. Wade Lovell
The error was here:
          retVal.add(new SelectOption(a.Id,a.type+' - '+a.Number));                 
        return retVal;

In this case, the OP had 
options.add(new SelectOption(a.Id,a.type+' - '+a.Number)); instead of 
retVal.add(new SelectOption(a.Id,a.type+' - '+a.Number));