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Correct me for my testclass for trigger, it is showing 0% test coverage

Hi Folks,  I am new into; I need to write a test class for trigger, i wrote test class for the following trigger and when i run the test class,  It is showing 0% coverage and the following red color lines are not covered,  Trigger is: trigger insertIntoCustomerContactDetail on Contact (after update)
for (Contact a :
CustomerContactDetail__c ccd = new CustomerContactDetail__c
           Contact__c =,
           First_Name__c =a.firstName,
           Date_Of_Birth__c = a.Birthdate,
           Mobile_No__c = a.MobilePhone,
           Email__c = a.Email
         insert ccd ;


Test class:


@isTestprivate class insertIntoCustomerContactDetailTest {     static testMethod void myUnitTest()     {        Contact a=new Contact();                        //'a018000000McFcK';                        a.firstName='srinu';                        a.lastName='reddy';                        a.Birthdate=Date.newInstance(1984,10,11);                        a.MobilePhone='9711099217';                        a.Email='';                        try                        {                        update a;                                             CustomerContactDetail__c ccd=new CustomerContactDetail__c                        (              ,                        First_Name__c=a.firstName,                        Last_Name__c=a.lastName,                        Date_Of_Birth__c=a.Birthdate,                        Mobile_No__c=a.MobilePhone,                        Email__c=a.Email                        );                        insert ccd;                        }                                                catch(system.DmlException e)                        {                                    System.debug('we caught a dml exception: ' + e.getDmlMessage(0));                            }    }



please help me, in this regards.... in correct way.


Thanks in Advance, 


Srinivas Chittela


If you create a new instance of an Account object, you need to insert it before you can update it...
try something like:

@isTestprivate class insertIntoCustomerContactDetailTest { static testMethod void myUnitTest() { Contact a=new Contact(); //'a018000000McFcK'; a.firstName='srinu'; a.lastName='reddy'; a.Birthdate=Date.newInstance(1984,10,11); a.MobilePhone='9711099217'; a.Email=''; try { insert a; // Make a nominal change to the object a.Email=''; // Now update it to test the trigger... update a; CustomerContactDetail__c ccd=new CustomerContactDetail__c(, First_Name__c=a.firstName, Last_Name__c=a.lastName, Date_Of_Birth__c=a.Birthdate, Mobile_No__c=a.MobilePhone, Email__c=a.Email); insert ccd; } catch(system.DmlException e) { System.debug('we caught a dml exception: ' + e.getDmlMessage(0)); } }}


HTH :)

Hi Ian,


Thank you very much for quick reply and the test class shows 100% coverage.


Thanks again for great help...


Thanks and Regards,


Srinivas Chittela

Message Edited by csrsak on 08-27-2009 02:06 AM